Thursday, June 18, 2009

It breaks my heart...

I just do not understand why institutions of higher education cannot seem to grasp the fact that the old model of broadcasting/journalism is dead. With the advent of the Internet, social sites, and multiple platforms of delivering news, entertainment, and information; the old model of TV being the only way for one to access information or to entertain themselves is over!
Broadcasters are going to find themsleves in the same situation as newspapers because they keep trying to force the old model of delivery to the Internet ---exculsiveness and high advertising rates. It just does not work. It is unfair of educators to continue taking tution from young people, giving them flase hope of becoming anchors to something that is arcahic by nature. If young people are taking their careers seriously, they should train ahead of the curve, i.e. brand themselves as journalist/commentators (not their company); be proficient in all platforms, i.e, print, radio, tv, social sites, etc. See link on how to become a community journalist:

What's this world coming to....

How can a player play w/o his tools? Cadillac does not make Superfly Eldorados anymore. Good luck Superman trying to find a telephone booth to change clothes.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Abandoned Homes and Street Fill-ins

Question: Why not conduct controlled burns of abandoned dilapidated houses in the city, since it cost so much for traditional tear downs?

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The World is in a Period of Realignment

50% of the world's riches are controlled by 2% of the population. By 2025 Arabs will be the largest population on earth. White's population is negative (meaning more are dying than are born). Black's population is even, but without growth. Nigeria has more oil than any other country on earth, and also the highest rate of poverty. Water is the new "gold" in the 21st century. Information/education is the new "silver" in the 21st century. Privacy does not exists anymore; anyone can find anything about anyone else simply by begining with an email address.
Marxist ideology argues that the 2% who control 50% of the resouces keep the masses misinformed with disinformation, i.e., race issues, crooked politicians, designer clothes, and entertainment. Many people believe they are watching a television program, when in fact, they are watching commericals -- with a television program in between the commericals. Are we citizens or are we consumers?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

They're Shutting Down Detroit

Obama's Visit to Saudi Arabia

I wonder if I am the only one who noticed the big, fat, hip-hip, Run-DMC; Ludacris/50 Cent styled gold chain King Abdula presented the President? Obama looked as if he was too embarrassed to wear it, and said,"I'll give this to my aid for safekeeping." ROTFLMAO.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Outta My Mind on Monday Morning...

I wonder what Senator Shelby (R-TN) has to say now that his state has lost the Saturn plant and about 6,000 jobs? Does he still say, "To hell with GM; let them go bankrupt?"